Advisor Perspectives: Concurrent CEO Nate Lenz on How to Prepare for the Next Generation of Clients

Our co-founder and CEO, Nate Lenz, recently wrote an article for Advisor Perspectives about a critical issue facing financial advisors: how to attract and retain younger clients. According to one recent survey, three-quarters of financial advisors say Baby Boomers are their primary targets for business, but as Nate points out, only 20% of affluent investors stick with their parents’ advisors. 

As Millennials age into more wealth, Nate shares how he’s helping Concurrent prepare for this new wave of potential clients, with an emphasis on technology (including AI tools), and developing a digital-first, on-demand client experience.


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How Advisors Choose Their Independence

Joe Mooney, managing director, advisor engagement and enterprise development at Concurrent, talks about the ways that advisors seek to achieve independence in their chosen profession. The editors